The female variant appears as the default Vault-Tec lab coat.

The lab coat only appears properly on male characters. Doc Crocker's lab coat can be looted from his body after the quest The Disappearing Act.Patricia Montgomery at Covenant wears one.A lab coat can be obtained if one is given the lab assistant job during the Cambridge Polymer Labs quest.Just by installing one of these mods, you will be able to upgrade your experience in this game and make it more suitable to your preferences. Anne Hargraves sells one if she is assigned to a clothing store. With Fallout 4 on PC, you can apply mods that can enhance or modify the game environment, characters, weathers, textures, graphics, and so on.Both provide a bonus to Intelligence while worn, but only this non Vault-Tec variant can have Ballistic weave applied to it. It is similar in appearance to Vault-Tec lab coat which is a clean lab coat with a Vault-Tec Corporation logo on the left breast and with a white undershirt, a black tie, khaki slacks and brown shoes making up the rest of the outfit. The lab coat appears as a filthy lab coat with some kind of clock or sensor on the left breast and with a white undershirt and a black tie.